Das "Venerabile Collegio Inglese" für Besichtigungen geöffnet


Erstmals in seiner Geschichte öffnet das Päpstliche Englische Kolleg (Venerabile Collegio Inglese) in der Via di Monserrato 45 für Besucher. Geführte Besichtigungen in englischer oder italienischer Sprache finden jeden Samstag statt.

Vorbestellung der Tickets unter folgendem Link: VENERABILE COLLEGIO INGLESE – MIRABILIA ART WONDERS
Dort dem Link "Prenotazioni" folgen: Venerabile Collegio Inglese – MIRABILIA ART WONDERS
Tickets aktuell verfügbar bis Dezember. Dauer der Führung 60 Minuten, Preis 12 Euro.

Die Seite lässt sich auch auf englisch und französisch umstellen.
The guided tour leads the visitor through centuries of art and history. The Church of St. Thomas of Canterbury, inside the College, houses on the high altar Durante Alberti’s masterpiece, Holy Trinity with Angels and Saints Thomas of Canterbury and Edmund, King and Martyr , dating from 1581, while on the women’s gallery (the loggia above the two side aisles), an exceptional cycle of 34 paintings by Pomarancio depicting, in brutal detail, the stories of English and Welsh saints and martyrs can be seen. The Martyrs’ Chapel, built between 1680 and 1690, contains beautiful frescoes by the Jesuit painter, Andrea Pozzo, famous for his exceptional perspectives, and also houses an altarpiece by Pier Leone Ghezzi depicting the martyrdom of St. Thomas of Canterbury. The Refectory is embellished by the monumental painting Christ in the House of the Pharisee and the fresco of St. George and the Dragon by Andrea Pozzo. In the other areas of the College that can be visited, a multitude of works recalling the millennial history of the institution are on display, among which: an English royal coat of arms dating back to 1412, once displayed above the entrance door; a memorial dated 1525 dedicated to Bishop John Clerk, who reformed the College between 1523 and 1525; a medieval bas-relief depicting wild animals; the carved ends of the wooden beams of the church dating back to the Middle Ages; coats of arms and portraits of English cardinals from the 16th century onwards; and, finally, the garden containing interesting fragments from the ancient medieval church.